Uploading PEPP Data Files to Princeton

There are several options for uploading files to the Princeton PEPP website, including direct ftp, ftp embedded in a web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer), and using an independent file transfer program such as Fetch.

The file to upload must be in PEPP format (which is automatic if you are running QUAKES). If running SCREAM, you are probably recording in GCF format, which must be converted to PEPP by using GCFInfo.

Using Netscape ftp

If you have a file to upload to Princeton, it is easy to use NETSCAPE ftp. I have found that this method works from school, where we have a "firewall" that does not allow the use of an outside ftp program like Fetch.

Open NETSCAPE or Internet Explorer. Go to this address: ftp://lasker.princeton.edu/pub/SDU. If you are using the computer you will always use for uploading data, Bookmark this address; in the future you won't have to type it in again.

Go to the File menu. Select Upload File. You will be asked for the location of the data file you wish to upload. Scroll to Desktop. Open the floppy. Highlight your file.

Within a few seconds, your file will be uploaded, and you should see it on the Princeton list.

If the file does not upload properly, change the title of the disk holding the data to something like "PEPP Data". The SDU directory may then recognize the file.

Using Fetch

A second way to upload data files is to use an outside file transfer program, such as Fetch. It works easily, but may be blocked if your school system has an imposed "Firewall" to the outside world.

The first time you use Fetch, you will have to enter some information, which can be saved for the future as a shortcut.

For Host, type lasker.princeton.edu

For User ID, type anonymous

For Password, type your e-mail address

For Directory, type pub/SDU

Click OK

To save these parameters as a shortcut, select Customize, then New Shortcut. The information will be on the screen, so just select OK.

You can now choose your file for upload. Make sure Binary is selected at the lower right, and then select Put File. Select the file location (probably Desktop or 3.5 floppy), then select the data to upload. Fetch will take care of the rest!

A PC can use direct ftp. Click on Start, then Run. Type in ftp lasker.princeton.edu , then hit Return.

Using FTP

The most "primitive" way to transfer files, but sometimes the most efficient when transferring a large number of files, is using the DOS-based program FTP.  The easiest way to start FTP from a Windows-based machine is from the "Start" menu on the taskbar.  Use your mouse to select "RUN", and then enter "ftp lasker.princeton.edu" in the box.  A DOS window will open up on your screen.  After the program connects to the Princeton computer, you will be prompted for a user name:  enter anonymous; when prompted for a password, enter your email address.

You should get a response that looks like the following:

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

This shows that you are logged in to the Princeton computer. You will need to change to the upload directory.  At the ftp> prompt, enter the command:

cd pub/SDU

To ensure that the files will be transferred in binary (not ascii) mode, enter the command:


Finally, to transfer your files, type:

put filename

or, for multiple files

mput *.*

and you will be prompted as to whether you want to transfer files, one by one.  Note that ftp will only transfer the files from the directory from which ftp was started (often C:\Windows).  Assuming that the files are in a different directory, you have several choices:

(1) Enter the full path for the file, e.g.:

put C:/PEPP/Data/9908072300Z.DAT


put A:/9908072300Z.DAT


mput C:/PEPP/Data/*.DAT

(2) Change your "local" directory within ftp, by issuing a command of the form:

lcd C:\PEPP\Data

When all files have been transferred, type quit to end your ftp session.